A Community of Entrepreneurial Dads Learning and Building in AI and Crypto

Earn More -> Live Fully

Welcome to Million Dollar Dads – where emerging technologies meet family-first entrepreneurship. Join a vibrant community of forward-thinking dads dedicated to mastering the AI and Crypto spaces to build a life of financial freedom and success for their families.

Apply now

Find Your People

Love talking business ideas, or strategies to help get your business going? So do we!

Expert Training Calls

We bring experts in to give a detailed presentation about an area of focus, as well as Q&A

Small Group Pods

We facilitate connecting you with 3-5 other members to create your own Pod

Build Lasting Connections

•Facilitated 1-on-1 Calls
•Weekly Community Calls
•Business Brainstorming Calls

A Community of Entrepreneurial Dads Learning and Building in AI and Crypto

Earn More -> Live Fully

Welcome to Million Dollar Dads – where emerging technologies meet family-first entrepreneurship. Join a vibrant community of forward-thinking dads dedicated to mastering the AI and Crypto spaces to build a life of financial freedom and success for their families.

Apply now

Find Your People

Love talking business ideas, or strategies to help get your business going? So do we!

Expert Training Calls

We bring experts in to give a detailed presentation about an area of focus, as well as Q&A

Small Group Pods

We facilitate connecting you with 3-5 other members to create your own Pod

Build Lasting Connections

•Facilitated 1-on-1 Calls
•Weekly Community Calls
•Business Brainstorming Calls

Check what our community is all about.

At Million Dollar Dads, we believe the future belongs to those who embrace change. Our mission is to guide entrepreneurial dads through the exciting realms of AI and Crypto, and how they can build businesses or leverage these technologies with their current business. We're more than a community; we're a movement towards integrating cutting-edge technology with family life, ensuring our members are at the forefront of digital innovation.

Check what our community is all about.

At Million Dollar Dads, we believe the future belongs to those who embrace change. Our mission is to guide entrepreneurial dads through the exciting realms of AI and Crypto, and how they can build businesses or leverage these technologies with their current business. We're more than a community; we're a movement towards integrating cutting-edge technology with family life, ensuring our members are at the forefront of digital innovation.

Check what our community is all about.

At Million Dollar Dads, we believe the future belongs to those who embrace change. Our mission is to guide entrepreneurial dads through the exciting realms of AI and Crypto, and how they can build businesses or leverage these technologies with their current business. We're more than a community; we're a movement towards integrating cutting-edge technology with family life, ensuring our members are at the forefront of digital innovation.

Relationships - Resources - Results

Relationships - Resources - Results

The Relationships – Resources – Results framework is a strategic approach that emphasizes the significance of building connections, leveraging available tools and support, and achieving desired outcomes.

Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus


  • Crypto Knowledge: Master current trends in the crypto landscape.
  • Community Insights: Share experiences and learn from fellow crypto enthusiasts.
  • Real-world Application: Apply crypto strategies to your business effectively.
  • Networking: Connect with crypto-savvy entrepreneurial dads.


  • Stay Ahead: Access latest AI trends and insights.
  • Collaborate: Share and explore AI with like-minded dads.
  • Practical Use: Directly apply AI in your business ventures.
  • Network: Build valuable connections in the community that will last

Family Life

  • Balancing Act: Master juggling business and family commitments.
  • Shared Wisdom: Learn from dads excelling in work-life harmony.
  • Family Growth: Apply strategies for a fulfilling family life.
  • Supportive Network: Connect with dads prioritizing family and success.

We got you every step of the way.

Here’s just a few things you can expect when you join our community through the MDD community:

We got you every step of the way.

Here’s just a few things you can expect when you join our community through the MDD community:


Monthly expert calls

Weekly areas of focus community calls

Well-organized, resource-packed online community space

Multiple riff calls per week

Facilitated one-on-one calls with other community members

Courses on all pillar areas and much, much more: we constantly adapt to YOUR feedback!

Weekly community newsletter with all the highest value content

Chat group to facilitate communication within the group!

We know the struggle is real, but together, we go further faster.

Find your people

Join our community of like-minded, smart dads on a journey to earn more and live fully. Leverage the collective wisdom, experiences, and insights of fellow entrepreneurial dads who understand your challenges and aspirations. Through meaningful connections and accountability, we support each other in achieving our goals and create a powerful network of support.

Deep connection with the community

Whether it’s large group calls, four-person POD calls, multiple weekly riff calls or facilitated one on one calls, you will be building lifelong connections with other amazing guys! MDD is not like most communities that just do one or two large group calls a month. We want you to be able to connect directly with us multiple times a week.

Curating Information

Our community platform handpicks and organizes the most valuable and relevant information, ensuring that it is easy to find and understand. Say farewell to endless searching and let us guide you through a treasure trove of knowledge, empowering you to stay informed, inspired, and ahead of the curve.

Is Million Dollar Dads the right community for you?

This is for you if:

  • You want to build deep connections with other dads with a growth mindset
  • You’re looking for your tribe but haven’t found it yet
  • You’re a big fan of podcasts like My First Million
  • You’re looking to learn all about crypto and AI and how to get in front of these revolutions
  • Looking for the shortcut to turn decades into days
  • You’re looking for help with finding clarity on where and where you want to go

This is NOT for you if:

  • We have a strict NO ASSHOLE policy, and it is always enforced
  • You think you’re always the smartest person in every room you enter
  • You’re looking for clients for your current business
  • Looking to get rich to flaunt your wealth on Instagram
  • You have a huge ego
  • You want to only be a taker
  • You’re not interested in jumping into the fray and getting your hands dirty

Have questions?

We're excited to have you join our community, get in touch with us and we will answer any questions.

Contact us
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